Dark night of soul

Posted by kamajaya under
Travelling through this life asks us to go through many 'quests'. From the moment we are born we are learning how to survive in our new physical shell. We are learning how to feed, how to smell, how to sleep (or not as the case may be) and this learning continues right through until the day we pass.

Some of this learning is easy. Some not so.
Some of this learning is conscious. Some not so.

The dark night of the soul speaks to me of those times when the learning is deep and often unconscious. Healing that comes in on a very deep level which profoundly affects our life beyond measure.

As a society we do not escape this journey. There have been many events in time where we have had to dig deep and look inwards in search of answers.

It's hard not to have been touched by the series of events that happened on September 11. It's hard not to have been touched by the reaction to those events and the constant 'war on terror'. It's also very hard not to feel the fear that rose up from within our society as a result of these events, for we became aware for the very first time that something like this could (and did) happen. Fear that felt so real became the driving force that ushered in all sorts of changes. Fear that ushered in laws to keep us 'safe and protected'. Laws that momentarily sent airport workers into a blinding panic if anyone tried to board a plane with a nail clipper.

Yes, these laws are still in place and yet they don't have the same affect as they once did when airport staff felt their life, and the lives of those on board the plane, were in danger. Now they merely ask you to remove the 'offending' item and leave it behind. Now we as a society simply comply. What once shook us to our very core has been replaced by acceptance of what is.

We learn and move on.

On a personal level we are called to action many times throughout our life. We are asked to let events shape and mould us positively or negatively. What one person would use as fuel to motivate and inspire, another would use as fuel to weaken and de-motivate.

Why is that?

What makes one person crumble while another becomes stronger?

CHOICE does!

One person uses the event to go inwards in search of answers. The other uses the event to look outwards in search of answers.

One person blames. Another takes responsibility.
One person feels powerful. Another feels power-less.
One person has faith. Another is without faith.
One person trusts. Another is skeptical.

We all have CHOICE. We all decide on some level (conscious or not) how an event will shape us.

FEAR is a great motivator. It motivates us to all extremes. From being paralysed and not being able to do anything, to being fully energised because of it.

FEAR in our society is fuelled by our ever increasing ability to access information.

Take the stock market as an example. It wasn't very long ago that a falling stock market wouldn't even register a 'blip' of interest anywhere outside of those actively involved. Today, everyone has awareness of what the market is doing. It is on our news programs, it fills our papers, it occupies our conversations and it breeds fear amongst us.

Fear that we won't have enough. Fear that we have lost something. Fear that our life will be changed forever more.

And yet…is any of it real? I mean really, really real?

The fear about not having enough, do you have enough for NOW?
The fear about losing, did you really have it to begin with?
The fear about changes to your life, isn't change the only thing constant?

Yes. Fear is a great energy and time waster!

F.E.A.R stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.

Fancy that. Fear is an illusion. It is the ultimate illusion and it will keep us small and power-less if we let it.

I know you might say that fear feels pretty real. Yep, I am hearing you! I know at times when it has gripped me by my 'short and curly's' it is pretty damn convincing…but…it isn't you know - it isn't real at all.

You see, fear is only the result of our mind accessing information from our past or projecting information into our future. In the NOW moment fear doesn't exist! In the NOW moment when our mind is focused on the task in front of us, there is no fear.

In the NOW moment of experiencing a roller coaster ride there is no fear. Sure, right before you hopped on board you might have been near fainting with fear, which is only there because you are having thoughts about 'what is about to happen', but once you are in the moment, experiencing the ride…fear leaves your side.

You see, fear doesn't exist in reality unless we allow it to.


Are you saying I can choose a life without fear as my ever present shadow?

Yesssssssss…..I am.

Okay. What's the catch? What do I have to do to live a life without fear?

It's easy. Just CHOOSE to.

Just decide in each and every moment where fear is present to bring your awareness back into the NOW moment. Just choose to bring your focus to what is in front of you and not what is behind or in front of you.

I believe the world is the way it is today, not by chance, but because we have all participated in fear.

The governments 'govern us' from a fear base which leads them to do things 'for our own safety'.
The drug companies 'drug us' from a fear base which leads them to provide medications that harm us.
The banks 'solicit us' from a fear base which leads them to offer credit beyond the ability to pay it back.
The media 'controls us' from a fear base which leads them to write stories that focus on doom and gloom.

Yes, we have all participated in creating this world exactly how it is. Which means…we can all participate in creating a world where truth, integrity, compassion, acceptance and love for the planet and one another is the very foundation on which we stand.

It will take every one of us to participate.
It will take the best of each of us to step forward.
It will take strong and courageous leaders to help lead us.
It will take faith and belief that it can be done.

I believe Barack Obama (the new President of the United States) is here to help lead us into this new world. However, I am under NO illusion that he is the great 'black' hope nor is he our modern day 'messiah' for I understand that he can only do so much and take us so far, we all need to participate. We all need to take responsibility for the world we have created before we can build a brand new one.

We are all in this together!

So, whilst I recognise the importance of his arrival it only serves as a reminder that we have work to do.

Here's some way's you can participate:

STOP being a victim.
STOP being a drama queen and creating drama in your life.
STOP handling your life from future or past thinking.
STOP gossiping about others.
STOP buying into what you read in the papers or hear on TV.
STOP doing 'what if's'.
STOP living in the past.
STOP living in the future.
STOP being unkind to self and others.
STOP telling yourself you can't.
STOP letting your mind control you.
STOP procrastinating.
STOP wishing things were different.
STOP judging.
STOP having to be right.
STOP thinking too much.
STOP fighting with self and others.


START living in the NOW moment.
START using your breath to centre and relax you.
START consciously creating your life.
START becoming more aware of who you really are.
START laughing more (and worrying less).
START turning off the TV and not reading the papers.
START connecting with others.
START a hobby just for fun.
START handling your life in the NOW moment.
START saying NO to fear.
START saying YESSSSSS to love.
START having more compassion.
START being kind to self and others.
START healing what needs to be healed.
START taking responsibility for your life.
START thinking positive thoughts.
START feeling.
START living the life you deserve!

With much love and many blessings, Julianne xxx

Author : Julianne Dowse